
Bomb It 5

About Bomb It 5

BOMB IT 5 is an action-packed game where the objective is to strategically place bombs to take out opponents. The game offers both single-player and two-player modes, allowing players to enjoy the game alone or compete against a friend.
In the single-player mode, you navigate through a maze-like arena, strategically placing bombs to eliminate opponents and clear pathways. The objective is to be the last player standing by strategically using bombs to outwit and defeat the opponents.
In the two-player mode, you can enjoy the game with a friend or family member. Each player controls a character and competes against each other in the same arena. The goal remains the same - to strategically place bombs to eliminate the opponent while avoiding getting caught in the explosion.


In 1-player mode: Use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to place a bomb.

In 2-player mode:
- Use the WASD keys to move and the space bar to place a bomb as player 1.
- Use the arrow keys to move and the ENTER key to place a bomb as player 2.


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